Freshly Pressed thrice and 3000 followers!

Is 3 a lucky number?

I just received an email with the good news that my last post Characters from the inside of your head is going to be Freshly Pressed in the next day or two on the home page! This news of being FP-ed for a third lovely time could not have come at a better hour. My blog became 6 months old this week and I crossed 3000 wonderful followers this week as well. But more important than all this, I feel like I’ve grown as a writer and a blogger with all the support and meticulous comments from my readers over the last 6 months.

I added an About page today because I feel like a blogger at last. I also added a Facebook page recently for those readers who would like to get my updates on Facebook or just “like” me! You can also follow me on Twitter @bottledworder. The widgets are also on the sidebar.

Thank you WordPress editors for featuring this post and my two earlier posts– My Blog Audience and Sounds of the Blogosphere.

Above all, thank you readers!

63 thoughts on “Freshly Pressed thrice and 3000 followers!”

  1. wow. 3000 followers???!!!! wow 🙂
    I guess a great blog deserves all the glory.
    I guess I should add myself to the follower list to bask in the glory of a 3 times freshly pressed blog 🙂


  2. I don’t follow how increased exposure has led to an ‘about’ page, but we’re all different. I had mine right away. Content gives away the subject of a blog and its creator, but the immediacy of an ‘about’ helps with context, I think.


  3. Fabulous news–congrats! Your comment about feeling like a real blogger at last made me smile. From the outside, it seems like you’ve been one for a little while. 😉


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