Make Bottledworder better in 2013

It’s that time of year again. Kids laughing and people rejoicing and men and women trampling each other to get to the sales  at the malls.

Bottledworder wishes Bottledworder could put up the following scrap of paper on the blog:

But wait! Bottledworder is already a zero. We’re all zeros here, propping each other up like brightly coloured balls in ball pits, all bouncy but without a hope of looking attractive without others.

So no. Bottledworder is not on sale.

It’s the new year again. It’s the time of reckoning. Bottledworder needs to reckon.

Bottledworder needs some pats on the back and some constructive criticism so Bottledworder can wallow in self-pity with the critical stuff during the holidays punctuated by a few moments of good feeling about the blog for the upcoming new year.

So ,

What you need to do:

Bottledworder will be very happy if some of you would write a short post about Bottledworder on your own blog with a link to “Bottledworder” touching upon why you like to come to this blog and what you’d like to see here next year.

Basically, what do you like here and what would you like to see more of?

In return, I’ll reblog the best post here in the new year (on Jan 5th) and I’ll preface it with a writeup about your blog and why I liked your post.

I’ll also keep posting readers’ posts about my posts under the Reader Responses section through 2013.

I’ve been getting some excellent multi-paragraph comments to some of my blog posts and I thought this could be  a good way to make your responses a bit more permanent and visible here.

Thank you for your support!


26 thoughts on “Make Bottledworder better in 2013”

  1. ‘Constructive Criticism’ just might be a non sequitur as it relates to you and your writing. I’m an anachronism in today’s digital world and not a big fan of critics in general – if we write we must stumble and find our way… If we can be enjoyed someone will find us. You are as near flawless as I Have seen. Don’t mess around with perfection!. Just give us more.

    You can expect a post on my blog/websites in the next few days. Hope your 2013 is all you wish it to be. .


    1. Thanks C of C (Tasha)!! I was especially heartened to see you want to see more of my writing, not just the writing tips. And more me 🙂 I want to do that too. Just that if you see my most “liked” list, it seems folks want more of those tips. Nice to hear I’ll have at least one reader for those creative blogs.


  2. All I can say is write on. I read most everything.
    I don’t always comment but will strive to do better in 2013.
    Author of and


    1. Loved the post, especially the point about emotional intelligence. But this line resonated the most with me: “Some of us are born to blogging, others have it thrust upon us.” So true!
      There are so many well-considered points here! Thank you so much.


    1. Ha ha ha. Pat on the back is good but I really wanted some feedback about what people would like to see. You don’t tend to see the drawbacks in your own baby no matter how glaring they are 🙂


  3. I’m thinking about this challenge – ironic – it is way easier to think up a bunch of reasons why I don’t like something than it is to explain why I keep on coming back to read a blog like Bottleworder – something I just love. But I’m going to try and give this a whirl.


    1. Thanks! Thank you for all the nice things you said and yes, I’m a woman:) I’ll keep in mind your point about the photographs.


  4. Nice blog, nice idea. I’m new here so I’ll follow and read for a while and see why i like you. Hows that? Happy 2013 in blog land new friend.


    1. Thanks OmaOrBubby. This is exactly what I was hoping readers would do. I was blushing at all the praise but what helped me most was your point about a bit more personal disclosure. I’ll focus on this next year. Thank you for being so insightful. There’s no way I would have figured this out myself.


Comments welcome