18 thoughts on “Losing Ma”

  1. What a beautiful piece of writing to express your grief. I hope that writing it was cathartic and I am truly sorry for your loss and pain. Peace be with you.


  2. As always, a beautiful piece of writing full of insight . I seem to have been reading you for years, and know that is what I will always find. But this time you have written such a sensitive, heartfelt tribute to your mother and to all your fellow countrymen and women. It was very moving , and thank you for sharing an experience which is so much part of the human collective consciousness at the moment. I hope your tree continues to comfort you. Such a beautiful ritual.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so sorry, Madhura. To see her go like that over months… Losing a parent and everything that goes with them, it is hard and painful.

    I’ve been slowly losing my own mother to mental disorder, skin and bones…now cared for by her sister in another state, so I don’t get to see her or talk much. I can’t get who she was back.

    It’s been an awful year, losing people one way or another.

    I wish I could say it gets better, but I don’t know. All we can do is shed our tears, hold our loved ones dear, and continue moving forward.

    Thank you for your beautiful writing as always.


  4. I’m so sorry, Madhura. My heart goes out to you. Please accept my sincere condolences. This is a beautiful tribute to your mother and in it you also express so much of what all immigrants are feeling with their dear ones in COVID crisis so far away. You are right that for a time social media and easy mobility seduced us into thinking that it wasn’t so far away, but in fact it is. May you continue to hear your dear mother’s narration making sense of life for you, and let’s hope, for all our sakes, that this terrible pandemic can be brought under control soon.


  5. I have been with you for so long and know many admire your writings as I do. Thank you for sharing so much over the yrs. I have lost 3 family members in 3 months and know your pain. I am so very sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing to you and others.


  6. I’m so sorry for your loss and for your father having to deal with so much without you. The father of an Indian friend just passed away and I’m sure she feels much the same.



  7. Thanks for sharing your blog about your “Ma.” I felt your pain as I know what it is like to live in another country or even another continent and are not able to help or see your loved ones. What can we do? We have to live by and with the rules and our loved ones as well. I am so sorry, but I think your ‘tree’ is a good friend and your mother’s soul has settled in it, near you. “Hugs without Bugs”, http://www.giselleroeder.com


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