My Top 5 Commenters of 2013

One of the reasons blogging feels so rewarding is because I  know there are real people out there who are reading me. They leave their footprints behind on my page in many ways for which I am grateful.

I feel most grateful to those who comment because they have to read what I wrote a bit more carefully, think about it, organize those thoughts and then write the comment. I value their encouragement and criticism because those thoughts left on my page help me improve.

So when WordPress sent me the annual report for 2013 for bottledworder, I thought I should show my gratitude to all my commenters and especially the five people mentioned on the report.

So here are the Fabulous Five:

Top 5 Commenters, 2013
Top 5 Commenters, 2013


Screenshot from 2014-01-21 23:08:37Valerie Davies writes beautifully. I love the details of nature she uses on her blog and the touch of  romance of far-off places with enchanting details. Her fascinating tips on what she has cooked, which usually comes at the end of every post, are refreshing.


Screenshot from 2014-01-21 23:13:27Katie Cross says “I write because I never stopped.” She has eclectic interests ranging from book reviews, author interviews, NaNoWriMo and interesting accounts of her day to day life.


Screenshot from 2014-01-21 23:17:37Janna T Writes: Most of the pieces I have read by her have been striking pieces of very short fiction written in response to various writing challenges. Her “About” page is very witty and she also writes poetry.


Screenshot from 2014-01-21 23:19:56MrsFringe  is a very strong writer and an observer of the world, which in her case happens to be Manhattan, a place where our worlds overlap. Many a time, her comments have hit the mark so well that I’ve had to exclaim “Wow! She got it!” in my mind. She is a very witty critical thinker and writes on a variety of topics.


Screenshot from 2014-01-21 23:22:21Bubby Joys and Oys is Miriam’s blog.  Miriam is a mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, writer and a music therapist. She has been a long time reader of my blog.

Thank you all who read and comment.

24 thoughts on “My Top 5 Commenters of 2013”

  1. What a wonderful surprise to find myself on your list – I’m awed and honoured by your generous comments, and very touched by what you say. Thank you so much.
    I never miss your blog, even if I don’t ( always) comment!! I love your intriguing ‘take ‘ on things…
    Must check our your other recommendations too, best wishes, Valerie


      1. You will be fine. You are a great writer and informative, I would say add a few pieces this year to question the mind so people will ask questions or want to really share their opinions. That would be key. But I shall be personally on over your site though. 🙂


      2. I even want to feature in this mini project I am doing, in which I would so so so hope you will be apart of. It’s a 2 part thing, but I want to write all the details out first so you can see and hopefully agree or not. What may be your email so when done I can drop you a line. 🙂


  2. It’s true, I’m a blabber fingers 😉 Thank you so much! for the generous words, and the link. I love your blog, you’re an excellent, insightful writer and I always value your posts. 😀


  3. That was very nice for me to wake up here on the West Coast and see my name on this list. Yes, I am and continue to be a long time reader of your blog. Your blog is original and unique while being very relevant and relatable. I love that. And whether or not I comment, I always read ( or skim and save for later when life’s stresses get in the way). It’s good to know that bw will always be there, for me to read and peruse; skim and file; and smile. Thank you.


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